How To Change LiteBlue USPS Password ?

We all may have encountered the situation of changing the password. Even I had too changed my PC password around 15 times a week. Most probably we change our password for many reasons but the most important thing which we are going to discuss in this article “How can we change the USPS password.”

There may be reasons for changing of a password such as it may be known to some others, or we may have forgotten our password or the password might be hacked by someone else. Most of the people doubt how we can change our LiteBlue Password. Here I have discussed a few methods, follow them and do change your password.

We all may have heard about USPS, the largest postal service in America. It offers services worldwide and includes employees of around 600,000 in it. As USPS offers service throughout the nation, the employees need to access a portal which should be accessible all over the world at any time.

The USPS stands for United States Postal Services which is vast and also has its communication portal which includes the services and the jobs of each employee. It is an important source which incorporates information relating to work, salary, benefits, and retirement plans.

There may be many reasons for changing a password as mentioned above. Here I have provided a few steps to change the LiteBlue USPS password as follows.

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How To Change LiteBlue USPS Password?

The scenario in USPS is each employee will be given a password via mail or through the department. The employee if wishes can suitably change the password. The employees may wish to change the password due to the reasons mentioned above. Whatever the reason maybe you are here to change the password. There are two methods in which we can change the password follow the steps provided.

Method 1: Reset password

  • One can open the password change protocol by merely accessing the login page of the Liteblue USPS and by following the below steps.
  • After getting the login to the page, you may have noticed two blocks in which we have to enter the employee ID and password as shown in the figure.
  • As we are interested in changing the password, we need to select FORGET YOUR PASSWORD option which is just below the blocks.
  • As soon as we click it we a verification page will be opened which asks your employee pin number which will be given by USPS.
  • The most important thing which we all need to consider here is only the USA residents can be able to access the USPS services. If in case others try to they may be punished severely.
  • After entering the valid details click on the “Continue” option.
  • A new window on the instruction to change the password will be given, and a mail will be sent to you which provides a link to change the password.
  • Open your mail click on the link and type your new password and be careful to confirm the password before selecting.
  • After the password reset is done. Once going back to the login page and enter the employee ID and the new password set by you.

Method 2:

The first method may seem to be quite long and difficult. To aid you all, we have come up with an easy and short way, and I hope that this makes your work done faster.

Here we can directly access the portal on the web by using the link:

To reach there and by following the below steps:

  • Once the link is opened, we need to enter the Username for the account.
  • The username which you have provided in the previous step makes you in getting matched with the server, and directly a link will be provided in the mail to change your password.
  • Access the mail and open the link there we have to enter our new password, and thus it can be changed.


It is all about how to change LiteBlue USPS password. These are the two ways in which we can change the password of USPS LiteBlue in a very easier way. Hope it will be useful to you.

Avatar of Brent Watson

A delivery boy by profession, A traveler by passion. I love to explore new varieties of food. He also worked in many popular courier companies such as USPS and UPS. He likes to educate people on how they can save money while using these courier companies to send their parcels.

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