A No Access To Delivery Location warning from USPS is not always clear and may be for several reasons that we will look at here and some solutions. Expecting a letter or package that doesn’t actually get delivered can be extremely ly frustrating, particularly when the reason is not understood. There could be several causes for this that once understood can be easily remedied.

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Access Denied: From a Consumer’s Point of View
When USPS state No Access To Delivery Location because they cannot physically access your address would appear to be something of an all-encompassing statement. Unfortunately for us, they don’t generally give us any more information than this and we have to play detective to determine the reasoning behind it. Once the reason is known it’s a lot easier to provide a solution.
When you get the No Access To Delivery Location message from USPS it’s worth looking at it from their point of view. Can you think of a valid reason why your mail wasn’t delivered? When you look at it like that it’s a little easier to either see the solution or the reasoning.
Regardless you want your mail and will need to come up with a solution to get your package from them. A couple of things worth considering:
- Did you move recently? Does everyone know your new address?
- Have you registered your change of address with USPS? Find how to do it here
- Do you have a mailbox? See how you can do this here
- The item was too large to post through the post box. Is there a safe place parcels can be left?
- No one was home to receive the parcel
Access Denied: From the USPS Point of View
It may well be that the No Access To Delivery Location problem is from the USPS side – heaven forbid that they will admit this, even if it was something unavoidable that prevented the delivery person from getting to your address and physically delivering the package as requested.
Typical reasons that are outside of your control, and USPS, might be bad weather such as rain, high winds, snow, or a broken vehicle blocking the road in some way that makes it too difficult for the delivery person to get to your doorstep.
There may be other issues for No Access To Delivery Location such as road works, an emergency services incident, or even a broken down USPS delivery truck. In these situations, it’s a little easier to understand and sympathize, with the USPS not being able to deliver.
Is Your Address in the USPS System?
Something that happens more often than you might think is that USPS doesn’t have your address within their mailing database. It may well be on the package or letter that has to be delivered but if it isn’t in their system then there is going to be a problem with delivery. It is quite easy to put right though. It’s probably something that you need to look at resolving sooner rather than later as it’s quite possible that you will have a few more No Access to Delivery Location error notifications in the future.
Add Your Address to the USPS System – In 3 Easy Steps
1 – Check Your Own Information
It’s worth remembering that when your details are entered into the USPS system this is done by a computer. As such your information is put into a standardized format and it is quite possible that during this process some details are missed and filed incorrectly.
Errors in your property type, abbreviations, street name, district, or zip code will cause a problem and may be why an item cannot be delivered.
2 – Go to the USPS Address Management Page
The next step in solving the No Access To Delivery Location problem is to head over to the USPS Address Management Page – here
Type in your City and State or Zip Code. Press the Locate button and the system will show you the contact details of Your Local AMS Office that you need in order to update your address details.

3 – Contact Your Local AMS Office
The results given from filling out the AMS Office Locator form will give you the contact details that you need. This will include the physical address as well as the phone and fax numbers you need to contact them.
In our example this would be:

As we have seen the statement from USPS No Access To Delivery Location can be for a number of reasons. They may be something that you cannot control such as bad weather or street closure that are outside of your control. Alternatively, it may be something that requires you to take action such as ensuring that USPS has your correct address.